Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. co-worker  co-worker babble  from a frayed rope 
 2. Boz Scaggs  DJ Babble  The Signature Series 4 - Wollman Rink Central Park, NYC 
 3. The First Nighters  Backstage Babble  Applause 
 4. Copywrite ft. Smut Peddlers  Tower Of Babble  12 Single - EC/Rawkus 
 5. Burning Dog  Psycho Babble Ology  Last Days 
 6. Burning Dog  Psycho Babble Ology  Demos - Living Room 1 
 7. Elaine Mikalson and Leroy Erwin  The Baby Babble Record & RRR Sound  from an album of 78rpm records called Bye Bye Baby Talk 
 8. 1UP Network Staff  Active-Time Babble XII - 3-25-2010  Active-Time Babble from 1UP.com 
 9. 1UP Network Staff  Active-Time Babble XII - 3-25-2010  Active-Time Babble from 1UP.com 
 10. Elaine Mikalson and Leroy Erwin  The Baby Babble Record & RRR Sound  from an album of 78rpm records called 
 11. Amy Ulen  Tiddle-Taddle Pibble-Babble  Shakespeare High 
 12. 1UP Network Staff  Active Time Babble VII - 1-14-10 - FFXIII and RPGs of the Year  Active-Time Babble from 1UP.com 
 13. 1UP Network Staff  Active-Time Babble IX - 2-11-10 - Trek Online and Roguelikes  Active-Time Babble from 1UP.com 
 14. 1UP Network Staff  Active-Time Babble VIII - 1-28-10 - Mass Effect 2  Active-Time Babble from 1UP.com 
 15. Prinzhorn Dance School  Worker   
 16. Edwin Torres  Shock Worker  Cross-Cultural Poetics / Jan-8-2006 
 17. Conform  The Miracle Worker  2002 E2 Portland Noder Reading 
 18. Sam Williams  Miracle Worker  Uptown 742 
 19. Joe Anderson  The Worker Of Miracles   
 20. Greenwood All*Stars  Happy Sex Worker  Live at Freefest 2002 
 21. Ed Gein  Killing A Co-Worker  JUDAS GOATS AND DIESELEATERS  
 22. Brogues  I Ain't No Miracle Worker  SEP 114  
 23. Brogues  I Ain't No Miracle Worker  SEP 114  
 24. Bridgeport  Thoughts of a Worker  Sweet Casio Days 
 25. Greenwood All*Stars  Happy Sex Worker  Live at Freefest 2002 
 26. Tori Amos  The Happy Worker  Toys Soundtrack  
 27. Edwin Torres  Shock Worker  Cross-Cultural Poetics / Jan-8-2006 
 28. The Golden Dogs  Construction Worker  Big Eye Little eye  
 29. The Golden Dogs  Construction Worker  Big Eye Little eye  
 30. The Brogues  I Ain't No Miracle Worker  Nuggets - Original Artyfacts from the 1st Psychedelic Era Vol 2  
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